What is A2A2 Milk?

When you drink milk, do you suffer from: discomfort or digestive issues, cough, cold symptoms, or skin issues? You may not be "allergic" or "intolerant" to milk! You may just need A2A2 milk!

A Peek into mRNA Vaccines

We have been getting asked quite a bit lately, "Do you use mRNA vaccines on your animals?" It is a quick and easy answer for our farm- NO! We do not administer ANY vaccines. While we do not vaccine our animals, Joe and I still found it important that we research everything going on with the mRNA technologies. Afterall, you trust us to be your farmers and we want to stay educated on the ag industry.

Bulk Pork Cut Sheet Guide

Buying premium pastured pork in bulk brings you peace of mind knowing you have healthy and easy meal options at your fingertips. This post will help guide you through creating your custom cut sheet so you can choose the right cuts to feed your family stress free.

March 13, 2022 Newsletter: Some sad news from the farm

Good morning, It's been a few weeks since we have sent out a newsletter. The truth is, the month of February was a tough one for our farm and our family. In 2021, we saw increased demand for fresh milk and so we purchased three registered Guernsey cows from two separate dairies in Wisconsin. This increased our herd size from two up to five milk cows.

Buying Pastured Pork in Bulk

What is your situation? * I want to make smart decisions with our budget * I have a large family to feed * Help my kids wont stop raiding the kitchen and I want clean food for them * Things seem a little unstable and I want to ensure food security WE CAN HELP! Buying in bulk is an excellent option.

Meet Our Dairy Cows: The Golden Guernsey

The Guernsey breed originated on the small Isle of Guernsey which is located off the coast of France, in the English Channel. Guernsey cows are known for their ability to produce high-quality milk from grazing pastureland and produce rich golden-colored milk. This developed into the moniker Golden Guernsey. Guernsey milk contains 12% more protein, 30% more cream, 33% more vitamin D, 25% more vitamin A and 15% more calcium than average milk. 96% of Guernsey cows carry the protein Beta Casein A2 in their milk.

Meet Our Livestock Guardian Dogs: The Armenian Gampr's

Originating 12,000+ years ago in the region from the southern Caucasus mountains and the Armenian Highland, the Armenian Gampr is a landrace family & livestock guardian dog. A landrace is defined as any livestock animal that has been bred without a formal registry, as opposed to dog breeds that have breed standards, clubs, and registries.